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Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist, well known for developing the general theory of relativity and his extensive contributions to the modern philosophy of science. He won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921 and is considered by many to be the father of physics.

Albert was the eldest child of Hermann and Pauline Einstein of Ulm, Germany. His elementary school years were spent in Munich where he blended in with most of his peers as just an average student. Even so, at this young age he developed a passion for science and mathematics.

Einstein muddled through his school years, mainly due to his dissatisfaction with the rote learning methods used at his school. For a time he even delayed his studies to reunite with his family, who had moved to Italy for his father’s business. He decided that his ambitions were to teach math and physics once he finished his schooling.

Einstein enrolled in a teaching program at Zurich Polytecnic, where he received his diploma in 1900. After nearly two years searching for a teaching position, he took a job in a patent office, working as an assistant examiner. His work evaluating patent applications for electrical devices is thought to be the inspiration behind his theoretical exploration of light, energy, space, and time.

In 1900, Einstein published his first paper and in 1905 he received a PhD from the University of Zurich. He published several notable papers that year, and by 1908 he was already an acclaimed scientist. He became a professor and continued his research, teaching, and publication until his death.

Einstein contributed heavily to the fields of physics, math and astronomy during his lifetime. His most famous formula, E=mc^2, forever changed the world and how we view it.

Public Domain Image, by Doris Ulmann.