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Confucius was the first teacher in China who aimed to provide education for all. In 501 B.C. he became governor in a small town and later held a position as crime prevention leader.

Confucius was born in Zou, Lu State (which is now part of Shandong Province) in 551 B.C. His ancestors had migrated there, and it is believed he was related to the Shang dynasty kings. His father was an officer in the military who died when he was only three years old. He was raised by his mother under difficult financial conditions. After his mother died at age 23, he spent several years in mourning. Little is known of his education except that he studied music with Chang Hong.

At the time of Confucius’ life, China had a very distinct class structure. He was part of the Shi class that ranked between the nobles and common people. People in his class were able to increase their status and good fortune by using their skills and talents.

Confucius tried to shape politics as an institution where government protects rights of people and does not use bribery or coercion. He did not believe in democracy, and wanted to see a King rule from truth and honesty. He urged people with political power to hold themselves to a higher moral standard and be examples for others to follow. Discouraged after one powerful leader was led into temptation and corruption, Confucius left politics.

Confucius spent 12 years in exile, travelling among the small kingdoms of northeast China. He petitioned the rulers of each kingdom with his ideas for political reform. Failing to provoke a movement toward change as he hoped, he returned to Lu at age 68.

Confucius aspired to develop teaching into a vocation of six special arts. Calligraphy, arithmetic, history, and poetry were among the six arts. 72 of his students were able to master the six arts of Confucius during his lifetime. Even after his death, his school was kept operational by his only grandson.

Confucius’ ideals and teachings became part of the study of law and philosophy in Chinese culture. He is thought to be the author or originator of the classic Chinese texts, including the Analects and the I Ching. Representations of Confucius can now be found in many temples in China, and he is celebrated with a memorial service every year.

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