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James Allen
James Allen

James Allen

James Allen was a British author who paved the way for the future genres of self-help and motivational writing. He is unique in the ability to express complex subjects in a way that was understandable to a broad range of readers. His best-known book, As A Man Thinketh, has been mass-produced since its initial publication in 1903.

Born in Leicester, England in 1864, young James Allen saw his family struggling to the point that his father left for the United States in hope of finding work in his trade as a factory textile knitter. Tragically, only two days after his arrival in New York, William Allen was murdered in what was thought to be a robbery.

With this devastating news, the 15-year-old James was forced to leave school and find work. He worked for manufacturing firms doing secretarial and other writing work. Moving to London and then south Wales, Allen was able to secure journalism and reporting work. There he met Lily Oram and they married in 1895.

Always moved by spiritual and social concerns he found a welcoming place as a writer for The Herald of the Golden Age. Published by Sidney Beard, the publication and the organization that spawned it promoted concerns for such issues as vegetarianism, animal rights, and general welfare for people. Although his mother was unable to read and write, James Allen was an avid reader. From Shakespeare to Tolstoy to the Bible and other religious texts he amassed a wealth of knowledge.

With his talent to take what he knew and turn into presentable and palatable verse, he began his literary career in 1902. His most famous book was published the next year, and was titled As a Man Thinketh. While simultaneously publishing his own spiritual magazine, Allen went on to author a book each year for the next nine years. He passed away in 1912.

James Allen did not seek publicity and his writing did not reveal personal details. His enlightened views embraced the richness of multiple spiritual and literary traditions. Surprisingly absent from many reference works, Allen remains central to the concept of helping others through inspirational and insightful books. Without his ability to encourage and inform, we might not have the many self-help and motivational writers that improve our lives today.

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